Thursday, December 16, 2010

Games : C&C Generals: ShockWave (2010/ENG/Repack)

Information about the game
Title: C & C Generals: ShockWave
Genre: Strategy
Language: English
Year: 2010
Developer: SWR Productions
Publisher: EA Games
File size: 251 MB

About the Game: The objective fashion - to make Zero Hour a more interesting game with a great diversity between the generals, making it so that you will think twice before taking a certain general, and in general mode gives you more choices, raznnoobraziya and strategic freedom in contrast to the Zero Hour - so at least leaving the spirit and design direction that was in the original storyline Generals.

Minimum System Requirements:
Intel Pentium III 1,8 MHz or AMD Athlon;
256 MB RAM;
64MB 3D-Video Adapter under the AGP slot (GeForce2 or ATI Radeon 7500),
16-bit sound card, also compatible with DirectX 8.1;
Keyboard, Mouse

1. Install a clean version of C & C Generals: Zero Hour which can put a patch.
2. Install the patch 1.04 for the game.
3. Install C & C ShockWave 1.0. Set the mode to the root folder of the game.

On file:
Publication Type: License
File format:. Exe
Platform: PC


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